Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Final updates on my 10 x 10 inch print:  Colors 9 (green) and 10 (medium blue) went down on Friday.  I originally planned a bright blue swimsuit and pool tile but it just looked out of place, so I toned it down with some grey.  Feedback along the way has been to stop with whatever color is there on the bushes/trees.  But I continued with my original plan...and printed the darkest color (11, a dark blue/green) on the bushes/trees, and the inner part of the pool.  But it was too harsh and put it all on the same plane which just looked wrong.  So I added a bunch of transparent base and it lightened just right.  That added the 12th and final color.
I have forgiven my mistakes on this print, and there have been several.  Most you won't notice.  One mistake I did have to make up for was cutting off the wheel of the front lounge before I printed the last color.  BIG oopsie.  So I cut out a hole in the gomuban and popped in a new piece and carved out the proper wheel remainder and voila!  Fixed!  I just realized that this is the most colors I have ever used on a reduction print. It was nice to be able use all the layers I thought I needed.  But I also like the challenge of doing prints with 2 or 3 or 4 colors.  Getting your image across with just a few colors is more of an artistic challenge, rather than the technical challenge of more colors.  Anyway, I love this print.  For me, it felt like I was spending time with my Mom everyday I worked on this.  It was wonderful having her around.


  1. It's a GREAT piece, Wendy... I love the palette (I am no good at subtle palettes) and the values are all spot on. It feels hot and bright and poolside. I'm cheering loudly from up here in the frozen country.

  2. I loved reading about the progress of your piece. It's amazing to me that you can visualize the final outcome and break it down into the various steps. I wish I could have done reduction linocut with you before I left!

  3. Thank you all for your comments. I really loved doing this one.


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