Saturday, May 22, 2010

Print Play and Lunch Dates

It has been a fun week.  Diana and I had a playdate in studio Monday.  I had attended the Monika Meler demo in Philadelphia on alternative relief processes and wanted to try it out myself.  So for several hours we each cut out a stencil from mat board.  Very labor intensive.  We inked up a second piece of matboard and placed it over the cutout stencil.  Then placed hosho paper over it, with one blanket, and ran it through the press.  Interesting results.  Totally fun and often unexpected, how just rotating the placement of the stencil nets differing results, without even re-inking the plate (mat board).  Now I am driven to cut more stencils.  I certainly need to build up the strength in my hands, as it is hard work.  Diana and I will be back for another play date this Monday.  Can't wait to mix it up again.  To see the very same demo I saw in Philadelphia at the Tyler School, click here and scroll all the way to the last item.

This week happened to bring two lunch dates, with two of my favorite artists, Janet Towbin and David Manje.  Marlys and I met up with Janet at Wally's Pub.  I am so glad that Janet and I have re-connected.  We went to college together in Cincinnati and hadn't seen each other for over 30 years when art brought us back in touch again, here in Phoenix.  She is an amazing printmaker and a fabulous photographer as seen here on flickr. 

We joked about being ladies of leisure, having lunch out a second time in three days, when  Marlys and Diana and I had lunch at Rosa's in Mesa with my first major printmaking teacher, David Manje.   Not only is he a great teacher but his heart is so big and open.  He was full of life and love and reassurance.  I am grateful to have him in my life.


  1. OHMYGOSH, WENDY! Thank you so much for the fabulous link to the Tyler/SGC videos. It's certainly inspiring me to try to make a conference one of these days, but it's great to have a resource to get some of the experience virtually. Inspiring, thanks!

  2. Sherrie,
    You are so welcome. I hope you will try to come to the next SGC in St Louis in 2011. The one after that is in LA and is a must attend location. Philadelphia was my third one, after Washington DC (the BEST) and Chicago...It is so cool to meet people whose blogs I read or whose art I see online.


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