Sunday, August 11, 2013

Four Week Classes for Fall

With my upcoming exhibition in October, I have had to reduce the number of class offerings so I can concentrate on making new work myself.  Here is what is open now at the Phoenix Center for the Arts:
GCC Student/Teacher  Relief Collaboration
4 Wednesdays, 1-4pm  September 4-25th 
Solarplate Etching $140

4 Wednesdays, 6-9pm  September 4-25 th
What a Relief! $126

and a special 2 day workshop which combines solarplate and drypoint etching
Saturday/Sunday, 10-4pm September 7&8th Solarplate/Drypoint $125

The Wednesday classes will be repeated for 4 weeks in October.
4 Wednesdays, 1-4pm  October 9-30th
Solarplate Etching $140

4 Wednesdays, 6-9pm  October 9-30th
What a Relief! $126

In November, the classes will switch to Saturdays
4 Saturdays, 9-12pm November 9-Dec 7th
What a Relief! $126

4 Saturdays, 1-4pm November 9-Dec 7th
Solarplate Etching $140

and we will repeat the 2-day workshop:
Saturday/Sunday, 10-4pm November 2&3rd
Solarplate/Drypoint $125

Registration is open for all classes at Click on the Printmaking tab.


  1. I am interested in your 4 Wednesdays, September, 6-9pm. Michelle Peacock

    1. Hi Michelle! It will be fun to make art with you! Call me at 602 750-3845 if you have any questions.


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