Thursday, January 17, 2013


I am teaching a relief printmaking class at the Phoenix Center for the Arts.  In preparation, I ordered some relief supplies from Dick Blick that I had never used before.  One was a new item - a clear soft plastic like plate about 1/8" thick in a 12 x 12 size.  I taped a drawing under it and cut it for a black and white print.  It was weird, really hard to see what was left as I cut it away.  But I kept plugging away and ended up with the plate and print shown in the photos.  I used Flexcut tools and it cut more easily than linoleum.  But I think I still prefer Gomuban (available from  

Tomorrow is week 2 of 5 and then we start all over again with another 5 week session.  If anyone is interested sign up is available now for this relief class and solarplate etching too starting the middle of February.  Here's a link to registration.  Just click on Printmaking to see what's available and when.

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